It is time we all claim our feminine power and re-write our story.
Women have gathered for a millennia to share wisdom, learn from one another and support each other’s growth. When women connect without judgement, and with a shared desire to lift each other up, incredible things happen.
That’s what Sistahood Co. is about.
Our team design events seeing 250+ women coming together to meet heart to heart, encourage one another and be inspired by a range of amazing speakers. From navigating parenting to business leadership, overcoming adversity to finding your inner strength – Sistahood Co. celebrates the challenges and triumphs of being a woman, on your own terms.

The story behind Sistahood Co.
Rachel and Emma met at a time when both of their careers were at a crossroad. Inspired by a crisis and a change in leadership roles, both women embarked on a path of deep self-discovery. They struck up an immediate friendship, and it wasn’t long before they realised they had found a true sista in each other.
Over the past 10 years, they have individually embarked on a journey of deep personal work. They have dared to peel pack all of the layers, and go deeply within to rediscover who they truly are. Along this path, both women found themselves under the tutorage of their spiritual teacher, Luna Wood. With Luna’s help, Emma and Rachel found their way back to themselves. They discovered the power of embracing their feminine energy, and the incredible richness this brought to their lives. They reignited intimacy in their relationship with themselves, with their partners, and developed a deeper connection with those closest to them.
They reawakened themselves.
Knowing the profound changes this brought to their lives, they wanted other women to discover this too. And so, Sistahood Co. was born.
Whether you are a corporate player, a stay-at-home mum, a small business owner or an elder in your community - Sistahood Co. was created for you.
Meet the Sistahood
Rachel O'Brien
Emma Bowes
Elke Bowes
Our Guiding Light
The Mistahood
At Sistahood Co., we truly believe the world is brighter when men and women support each other. We have an incredible team of male volunteers who give their time each year in service to the Sistahood. We have affectionately named them The Mistahood. Husbands, dads, sons, friends and colleagues turn up each year to provide support and hold space to ensure the smooth running of our large scale events. We are deeply honoured and incredibly grateful to the men who show up each year to support Sistahood Co.